Beer Can and Breweriana Club Links
The best way to build a beer can collection is to join a club. The clubs provide a wealth of information and events to help you learn more about the hobby and add beer cans and breweriana to your collection. Not only will you make some good friends but you will learn from the very best beer can collectors out there!
The Brewery Collectibles Club of America (BCCA) is located in Fenton, MO and was started in 1970. It is the largest breweriana and beer can club in the U.S. with over 4000 members from all 50 states and 27 countries. It consists of over 100 local chapters and features a yearly national convention with over 1000 members attending. BCCA members concentrate mainly on collecting beer cans.
I have belonged to the BCCA for over 20 years and have enjoyed many shows and the friends I have made. If you join only one breweriana club, this may be the one. For $35 a year you will receive all the membership benefits, including the informative bi-monthly publication.
The Eastern Coast Breweriana Association (ECBA) was founded in 1970 and is headquartered in PA. It currently has over 450 members from 33 states, as well as Canada. The club motto is: "Through breweriana collectibles the history of the brewing industry will be preserved."
In 1995 the ECBA published the book American Breweries II . The book is the definitive reference listing every U.S. brewer from the 1700's to 1995. It is an invaluable tool for any breweriana collector.
A yearly membership is $32.00 and entitles members to receive the quarterly newsletter, attend all meetings and shows, as well as use the extensive lending library.
The National Association of Breweriana Advertising (NABA) started in 1972. It is incorporated in Illinois as a non-profit association. The membership is concentrated in the Midwestern states, with many of the members residing in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan. There are currently over 800 members from 5 countries and 40 states with 11 local chapters.
The members of this club concentrate mainly on collecting breweriana. There are few beer cans at the local shows or national convention. Annual membership dues are $25.00 and entiltle all members to receive the quarterly publication and attend all shows.
The American Breweriana Association (ABA) was founded over 20 years ago. It is based out of Michigan and consists mainly of members from the Midwestern states. There are 4 local chapters and several thousand members. ABA members concentrate mainly on collecting breweriana, not beer cans.
For $25.00 per year members enjoy the bi-monthly magazine, the extensive lending library as well as the national convention and local shows. The ABA also offers various exchange services for crowns, beer business cards, coasters, micro coasters, openers, beer labels, beer napkins and beer sports schedules.